"Create Magic" is a captivating tale of two children with a magical touch. Their words and drawings come to life, creating new worlds filled with endless possibilities. This book is not just about the adventures they embark on but also about the exploration of their emotions and the power of their imagination.
As they grow older, they learn to channel their emotions through their writing, finding comfort and solace in their creativity. Their stories and drawings are not just expressions of their imagination but also a testament to their emotional growth.
The characters in "Create Magic" are relatable, experiencing emotions and challenges that are familiar to many children. Their journey of self-discovery and their ability to create magic with their words and art will inspire children to believe in their own abilities and the power of their imagination.
"Create Magic" is more than just a book; it's an invitation to all children to explore their creativity, to believe in the power of their words and drawings, and to create their own magic. It's a reminder that every child has a unique voice and a unique story to tell, and that the world is waiting to hear it. This is a wonderful addition to your child's library.
Superb illustrations by Ana Barbosa.